Busy vs Productive

I mentioned “the trap” in my previous post, “The Best $5 You Can Spend” and I thought I should spend some more time elaborating on this issue.

In your business journey, it will happen countless times where you suddenly realize that you are running around like a crazy person and not getting anything productive accomplished. You fell into the busy vs productive trap.

The issue becomes when the trap becomes a whole phase of business.

You spend more time learning HTML so that you can adjust the spacing on your website than writing content or making videos, you are teaching yourself photoshop so you can make your own Twitter backgrounds, and you are building a bullet journal instead of optimizing your schedule.

These things are not limited to new entrepreneurs. In fact, once you implement systems that free up an ounce of time, this problem jumps out of nowhere and slaps you right across the face.

Lee Rosen says that “(b)usyness is just stress relief by distraction.” In my opinion, more valid words have never been spoken.

You will face stress that you are not accustomed to on a regular basis while being an entrepreneur. It is uncomfortable and scary. It is easy and reassuring to stuff envelopes instead of making decisions that will alter the course of your life and business. The busy problem can be defaulting to the known path.

Other times the problem is that when we are not focused on a goal and clearly defined next steps are not planned, we all tend to start creating things to do. We wander to social media, we wander to office gossip, we wander to what needs to get done but maybe not by us and not right now.

Regardless of how disciplined you are, you will face the trap often. You have to be able to realize your tendencies and catch yourself wandering.

I have a post-it note on the bottom of my monitor in my office that says, “What is my most important next step ?”

I also have trained myself that when I find myself at a stopping point or when I start getting distracted to internally ask myself, “Is this the most important thing you could be doing right now?”

I have never found scrolling through social media to overcome this question.

These are cues. They are also the latest iterations of cues that help me reset my thinking.

These are also ways to help me create bigger blocks of uninterrupted work.

Another thing that helps me to stay on the path is a Things That Have To Get Done List (TTHTGD List). This is different than an endless to-do list. This list is the most important 2-3 things that have to occur today. I write this out at the end of the day before.

Nothing happens until I get my TTHTGD List finished. If something comes up that needs attention before I get done what needs to get done for the day, it either has to wait or I find someone to do it for me.

This forces you to separate the technician working in the business from the entrepreneur working on the business. (If you haven’t read the E-myth, do it today after your TTHTGD List is completed!)

By doing this you also realize what tasks can only be done by you and what tasks can be done by someone else with the right training.

The things that are left over can be batched together and handled in the shortest time possible. When I have to run errands for the business it looks like I am on the Amazing Race. I have my whole route planned out for efficiency and I am moving as fast as I can.

I do these things at the end of the day after everything important is handled.

This is not a perfect science and I am by no means a perfect practitioner. Every day is different.

However, I do challenge you to take time during the day and ask yourself, “Is this the most important thing I could be doing right now?” It will change the way you think about your day and your business. It will also change your productivity levels very quickly if you let it.

If you have specific struggles or have questions, reach out. We would be happy to help! Otherwise, sign up for the email newsletter and stay tuned for more!

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